Study in Shihezi University College of Animal Science and Technology About Shihezi University College of Animal Science and Technology & Study in dkxy.shzu

About Shihezi University College of Animal Science and Technology

Shihezi University is located in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, PR China. It was designated as a key institution by the Central Government in August 2000 and was ranked among the key constructed university under the “211 project” in Dec 31, 2008. Shihezi University - School of Medicine is one of the institutes recognized by WHO (World Health Organization) and is listed by Ministry of Education of China to induct international students for medical studies in English.

Shihezi University offers 11 specialties, viz. Agriculture, Medicine, Engineering, Economics and Trade, Management, Literature, Arts, Sciences, Education, Law and History. It has 23 colleges, offering 9 doctorate degrees, 61 master degrees, and 100 bachelor degrees programs. Currently, it has 2,721 full-time teachers, 407 professors, 765 associate professors. The total number of students is 32,262 including 23,770 undergraduates and 8,032 postgraduates and PhD.

The University is equipped with the most up-to-date teaching and scientific research facilitie

s. It covers 1,870, 000 square meters. The library has a collection of 2,900,000 books and periodicals (both in Chinese and international languages) and is the only digital library in Xinjiang. Shihezi University has extensively established exchange programs with different universities and colleges of the United States, Russia, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Austria, Japan and South Korea.

College of Animal Science and Technology is one of the earlier established and traditional advantaged colleges in Shihezi University. In 1959, the Agricultural College of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) was established with the Department of Anima. Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, which began to enroll students that year. In 1979, it was renamed as Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine of Shihezi Agricultural College. In 1994, it was renamedas Department of Animal Science of Shihezi Agricultural College. In 1996, Renamed as Department of Animal Science of the Collegof Agriculture of Shihezi University. In 2001. College of Animal Science and Technology of Shihezi University was established.

The college consists of two departments: Department of Animal Science, Department of Veterinary Medicine, experimental center teaching experimental station, and teaching animal hospital. There are 116 faculty members, including 26 professors, 42 associate professors and 8 national talents. The college has more than 1300 undergraduates and 400 postgraduates.

The college consists of two departments: Department of Animal Science, Department of Veterinary Medicine. experimental center teaching experimental station, and teaching animal hospital. There are 116 faculty members. including 26 professors, 42 associate professors and 8 nationaltalents. The college has more than 1300 undergraduates and 400 postgraduates.

The college has two undergraduate majors, animalm edicine and animal science. which have been selectedas national first-class professional construction points. Animal medicine is a national specialty, and animal science is selected as the pilot programs of the reformof the Outstanding agriculture and Forestry Talents Education and Training project of the Ministry of Education (top-notch innovative). Animal science is airst-level discipline doctoral degree authorization and postdoctoral mobile station, and veterinary medicine isa first-level discipline master degree authorization Animal production and disease control is a key projectof national Project 211. Animal husbandry and veterinary medicine are plateau disciplines in Xinjiang The four disciplines of clinical medicine, agricultural science, chemistry, and Plant and animal science have entered the top 1% of ESI world wide in the University.

The College closely focuses on the needs of nationaland regional economic and social development. focusing on the advantages industries to carry outscientific research and social services in Xinjiang During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the Collegea ctively undertook major scientific research tasks ofthe Nation and the XPCC, and solidly carried out the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and social services. More than 50 projects the provincial and ministerial level at o1above have been approved, including 25 projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China NSFC) with more than 54 million vuan infunding. More than 10 scientific and technologica achievements were transformed, with a cumulative transformation amount of more than 6 million vuanWe won 2 outstanding contribution awards forscience and technology of the XPCC, and 1 prize for the first, second and third prizes for scientific and technological progress of the XPCC.

The College has carried out extensive exchanges andc ooperation with foreign countries, and has established good cooperative relations with universities and research institutions of the United States, Russia, Kazakhstan, New Zealand and othercountries. The College makes full use of the opportunities of matching support and discipline aidfrom universities such as Huazhong Agricultural University and South China Agricultural Universityto deepen domestic exchanges and cooperation, anoestablish friendly cooperative relations withenterprises such as Xinjiang TECON and TYCOON Group, as well as local government in Xinjiang.

The college has a good teaching and research platform and conditions. Eleven scientific research teams have been established, and six scientific research aministerial level include the National International Joint Research Center for Animal Health Breeding and the Collaborative Innovation Center for SheepHealth Breeding and Zoonotic Disease reventionand Control of the Ministry of Education. The collegehas built more than 20,000 square meters of teaching and research ofice buildings, more than 3,000 squaremeters of teaching animal hospitals and high-standard teaching experimental station.

On the new journey, the College will always adhere to the characteristics of educating students with the spirit of the XPCC, adhere to the development strategy of establishing the college with disciplines, strengthening the college with talents, invigorating the college with scientific research, and governing the college with according to regulations, and strive tobuild the college of vitality, strength and charm, andstrive to build the high-level research college with distinctive characteristics.

(Data as of November 2023)

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